Speaking and listening is not oracy; oracy is not just speaking and listening!
This book gives pupils the gift of oracy and the powerful choice of different modes of communication. These tools enrich experiences and enhance opportunities for all.
Part 1 is a study of the origins of accents and the growth of Standard English. It explores the roots of oracy and its naming. It clarifies the differences between oracy and the other many varied forms of English.
Part 2 explores introducing children to different ways of communicating and to the cruciality of respect for this sensitive issue. It defines oracy for use in a range of cross-curricular school situations and opportunities. It provides teaching ideas and advice that empower pupils to become articulate and passionate orators when the occasion is appropriate.
This approach is aimed at pupils from 6 to 13 plus in English-speaking schools. It is a stand-alone approach to teaching oracy as well as an additional element to the Talk:Write programme.
A digital copy of this book is included in the Talk:Write School Package and the Talk:Write Teacher Package.